You should know this: mistakes parents make during flights with children

Traveling with children is a real challenge for everyone on board. Children can be nervous or overly excited, and parents are often focused on their children's behavior, while other passengers may feel uneasy about the noise and commotion.
However, the crew members responsible for maintaining order and ensuring the plane's safety are particularly concerned during such situations. The Huffington Post has highlighted common mistakes parents make during flights that can potentially endanger their child's safety.
Playing on the floor is a mistake, as airlines do not frequently clean the floors of airplanes, which can harbor a significant amount of germs and dirt.
Not fastening seat belts is another error. Parents should be aware that turbulence can occur at any time during a flight, and a child who is not securely fastened may be at risk of injury during shaking.
Bringing your own food is recommended. Flight attendants advise parents with particularly picky eaters to bring their own food due to the limited onboard food options. It's essential to pack everything you need, including snacks and water.
Airplane crew are not babysitters - it's crucial to understand that. The responsibility for the child's leisure and comfort lies entirely with the parents. If you choose to consume alcoholic beverages, don't expect flight attendants to take care of your children while you sleep, as it's not their job.