Etiquette during the flight: do's and don'ts on board the plane

Air travel remains one of the safest and most common forms of transportation.
Regardless of your travel rewards, cabin class, or credit card, the privilege of flying comes with the responsibility to follow certain standards and practices that ensure a comfortable and safe journey for all passengers, CNN writes.

A few rules for those who are going to fly on a trip:
Arrive at the airport early
It is important to arrive at the airport well in advance of your flight. The rule of thumb is usually two hours before boarding for a domestic flight and three hours for an international flight. This not only allows for smooth security and check-in procedures but also minimizes stress and possible delays.
Follow security protocols
Compliance with airport security rules is non-negotiable. While TSA PreCheck can simplify the screening process, be prepared to remove shoes, belts, and jackets so that your liquids and electronics are easily accessible for inspection. Always follow the instructions of security personnel.
Respect personal space
Airplane cabins can be cramped, so it's important to take care of your fellow travelers' personal space. Avoid leaning excessively toward neighboring seats, do not touch the armrest, and refrain from going beyond your assigned area.
Be polite to the crew
Flight attendants work tirelessly to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers. Show your appreciation for their efforts by being polite, responsive, and cooperative throughout the flight.
Pack your luggage correctly
Overhead compartment space is limited and shared, so be careful when stowing your carry-on baggage. Carefully place your bags in the designated compartments, making sure they can close.
If you have a second bag, place it under the seat in front of you. When boarding is over, and if there is still room, you can move your bag to the top.
Don't disturb others with your food
If you are bringing snacks, avoid food with a pungent odor that may cause discomfort to those around you.
Stay hydrated
Airplane cabins have low humidity levels, which can lead to dehydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the flight to stay hydrated and alert.
Help others if necessary
If you have the opportunity, offer assistance to those in need, such as taking things out of overhead bins for shorter or frailer travelers.
What is prohibited during air travel
Do not abuse alcohol
Although it is acceptable for some to have one or two drinks, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to unpleasant behavior and discomfort for fellow travelers. Drink responsibly and know your limits. And remember that you cannot consume your alcohol on flights to the United States.
Recline your seat
Reclining your seat can take up the already limited space of the passengers behind you. Before you lie down, think about the impact it may have on those behind you, especially when eating or using electronic devices.
Look behind you before reclining your seat to avoid accidentally crushing another traveler's laptop. And if you want to be extra nice, consider not reclining your seat on short daytime flights
Shouting or speaking too loudly
Airplane cabins are not conducive to loud conversations or excessive noise. Keep the volume down when talking to your fellow passengers and avoid unnecessary disturbance, especially during rest periods.
Engaging in uncontrollable behavior
Any form of disruptive or uncontrollable behavior, whether verbal or physical, is unacceptable. This includes arguing, aggressive language, gestures, or actions that may jeopardize the safety and comfort of others on board. In addition to being rude, your antics can go viral.
Disregarding safety instructions
Safety briefings and instructions provided by the flight crew are vital to passenger safety. Ignoring or disregarding these instructions puts you and others on board at risk.
Overload your carry-on baggage
Limit the number of carry-on items you bring on the plane to avoid cluttered overhead bins and cramped seating. Large or bulky items should be checked whenever possible to ensure there is enough space for all passengers.
Take extra seats
Avoid taking extra seats or placing items outside of the allotted space. Take care of the comfort and convenience of your fellow passengers, especially during peak hours.
Disregard the disembarkation order
Wait for your turn to get off the plane, allowing passengers with narrow connections to disembark first.
Failure to keep the cabin clean
Dispose of trash responsibly and clean up any mess to ensure a tidy environment for everyone on board.
As TravelWise reported, a former student shared how to travel without spending money on tickets.