What to do if you missed your connecting flight: compensation and tips

When you're ready for a vacation but find that you've missed your connecting flight, it can be very stressful. Knowing the right steps to take in such a situation can help reduce tension and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Even with the best planning, missed connections and flight delays are possible. What you need to know if you missed a connecting flight due to a delay, including whether you are entitled to compensation and how to get the money, is covered by travelandleisure.com.
What to do if you miss a connecting flight due to a delay
Most travelers who miss a connecting flight due to a delay first contact the airline's customer service desk. However, in case of massive problems, these lines can be very long. Therefore, be proactive and check your airline's app for the possibility of rebooking your ticket yourself.
In addition, contacting the airline's customer service team by phone or through social media can also help you get help faster.
Remember that being calm and polite when dealing with airline representatives can make a positive difference.
Find out if you are entitled to compensation for missing a connecting flight
As for compensation, it depends on the reason for the flight delay. If the airline is to blame for the delay, you will be rebooked on another flight at no additional cost. Also, in the case of a significant delay, passengers may be entitled to a refund of their ticket or even hotel accommodation. However, if the delay is caused by weather or other force majeure, compensation may not be available.
How to claim compensation for a lost connection
If you are eligible for a meal, hotel, or transportation voucher due to a flight delay or cancellation, you will need to submit a request to the airline's customer service department, as these are usually not automatically issued.
If the airline has run out of vouchers (as can happen during significant delays), passengers must provide receipts to claim reimbursement for hotel, meal, and transportation costs.
These can be sent, along with reimbursement requests if you choose not to accept rebooking options, to the airline's customer service email address. If the email address is not available, try the airline's live chat or feedback form or call customer service to inquire about a refund.