Top 5 souvenirs from a trip to Montenegro

This country may seem very small, but it has a big heart, and you can feel it in every Montenegrin item you take home with you.
For this reason, News Bytes has compiled a list of five authentic Montenegrin souvenirs that will remind you of the pleasant memories of this beautiful country.

It is a knotted bracelet made of wool or thread used for prayer and meditation.
Whether you wear it as a bracelet or display it as a piece of jewelry, a Brojanica can be a unique and special souvenir to bring home from Montenegro.
It's a meaningful souvenir that can be a symbol of the country's traditions and a reminder of your trip.
The kapa is a traditional Montenegrin hat made of black wool with a distinctive red band.
The black color of the kapa symbolizes the country's past, and the red band symbolizes Montenegro's battles with the Ottoman Empire.
This hat can be a great conversation starter and an opportunity to share the history and background of this iconic item.
Lavender products
Lavender is the scent of heaven, in a world where we can still find peace.
In Montenegro, lavender grows in abundance. Return home with the scent of tranquility that will remind you of pleasant memories of the village.
You can visit local markets to find dried lavender stems, leaves and flowers, as well as lavender essential oil, soaps, sachets and teas.
Vranac wine
Montenegro is home to several vineyards, and one of the most famous grape varieties is the Vranac grape.
Wines made from Vranac grapes often have notes of blackberry and plum.
Some Vranac wines also have a slightly floral aroma.
In addition, Montenegro is known for producing other varieties of red and white wines, including Krstac, Chardonnay, and Cabernet Sauvignon.
Cat-related products
The Kotor Cat Museum is a unique and surprising attraction of the city dedicated to our feline friends.
The museum features exhibits about the role of cats in the maritime history of Kotor, as well as works of art, photographs, and other items related to cats in Montenegrin culture.
You can buy cat-related souvenirs, such as postcards, magnets, and figurines in the shop located at the museum.
Earlier TravelWise wrote about the top 5 souvenirs to bring from Belgium.