This packing hack will help you carry much more clothing on the plane

Even if you're not a big fan of packing, you'll probably want to find as many ways as possible to bring more clothes with you so you don't have to pay for extra luggage. TikTok user cheapholidayexper shared an ingenious travel packing tip - put extra clothes in a hollow pillow.
A C-shaped sleeping pillow is probably a better option than a regular rectangular one. The author begins her TikTok with a repost of another video in which a person stuffs an ordinary pillow with clothes and takes it with them on an airplane. This information was published by
"I have a low-risk option that you can try. The other day I saw that the pillow has a zipper," she said.
Somehow, TikToker managed to stuff several pairs of underwear, a hat, leggings, tights, and a T-shirt inside.
"So much space," she said, expertly filling the incredibly roomy box with solid underwear.
Then she smoothed out the cover and wore it like a regular pillow.