These zodiac signs will grapple with jealousy this week

Fighting jealousy in this week's horoscope. Learn about the causes, effects, and ways to overcome jealousy in Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, and Leo.
Scorpio is the most jealous zodiac sign this week. They are known for their strong emotions and domineering nature, which makes jealousy a common trait for them.
The second most jealous zodiac sign this week is Taurus. Taurus can be very possessive and somewhat materialistic, which can lead to feelings of jealousy.
The third most jealous zodiac sign this week is Cancer. They are known for their emotional nature and boundless loyalty, which can sometimes turn into jealousy.
Capricorn is in fourth place among the most jealous zodiac signs this week. By nature, Capricorns are very goal-oriented and ambitious, but their desire for success can sometimes turn into jealousy.
Finally, the fifth most jealous zodiac sign this week is Leo. The Leo zodiac sign is known for its need to be the center of attention and always be in the thick of things.