The zodiac signs with "golden hearts" are named: they are very kind

Some people are very friendly and literally radiate positive energy. They avoid any disputes and are always ready to help those in need. According to astrologers, these are Taurus, Capricorn, and Gemini.
Stubborn Tauruses are eager to achieve their goals - if not now, then later or in another field. They show a lot of patience, which is valuable in dealing with other people. Natives of this sign are not interested in trifles. They brush aside disputes with a smile, which often throws their "opponent" off balance, forcing them to lose ground.
Tauruses also have innate empathy. They are able to understand many emotions and would rather give someone a helping hand than humiliate them.
Capricorns find it difficult to make new friends. This makes them a little tense, and sometimes they prefer to give someone else the floor. Therefore, they can also be naive. Natives of this sign love harmony, so they can sacrifice and compromise a lot to achieve it in different areas of their lives.
They are tired of conspiracies and intrigues - Capricorns like to take a clear position in their contacts with others. Therefore, they will look for people who are as sincere and calm as they are.
Geminis are cheerful and carefree by nature, and they love to make new friends. The natives of this sign are open, joyful, cheerful - they are the life of the party! They care about good contacts with others, and quarrels make them sad and tense.
Geminis are very worried about their loved ones. Therefore, they can often end a dispute with a joke or pretend that nothing happened.