The zodiac signs that create a mess around them: they can make life unbearable

Some people can throw others off balance in no time at all because they don't keep things in order at all. In addition, they are quite selfish and think exclusively about their own interests. According to astrologers, these are Gemini, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.
It's not just that Gemini causes problems, for example, by making noise at night or leaving a mess. They are excellent manipulators. You won't even notice how the natives of this sign will wrap you around their finger and use you to their advantage. But... you won't complain about boredom with them, Gemini will always find entertainment.
Scorpio is full of passion, so his life can be full of drama. He is simply emotional and suffers from mood swings, which is why he often provokes conflicts himself. In addition, he creates creative chaos around him, which can make perfectionists especially angry.
Sagittarius is energetic, works at his own pace, persistently pursuing his goals, but does not pay attention to regular cleaning. Natives of this sign will always find things to do that are more interesting than tidying up. Moreover, they are very spontaneous, which can confuse anyone - in just a couple of hours, Sagittarius can radically change their plans and hit the road.