The real "life of the party": The most cheerful zodiac signs are named

Some people win the sympathy of others much faster than others. According to astrologers, it's all thanks to their sense of humour. We are talking about Sagittarius, Gemini, and Leo.
Sagittarius are considered to be extremely carefree. They are natural optimists who are always sure that the glass is half full. Their energy is like a volcano full of lava (as this is a fiery sign).
People born under the sign of Sagittarius love to laugh at things that may upset, frighten, or annoy others. They do this to relieve tension and show that there is no problem as bad as it is painted. This is why they are loved.
In contrast to the strong humour of Sagittarius is the sense of humour of Gemini. It is light as a feather because this is an air sign. Gemini loves to laugh and go through life with ease. Natives of this sign love to make others laugh and do not take anything seriously.
They can be spontaneous, and improvisation is their strong suit. When the atmosphere gets heated and the company is about to quarrel, it is Gemini who will get out of the mess and inject some more fun into the conversation. They are not afraid to be funny and willingly take on the role of a leader in the company.
Leos love to be the centre of attention. They usually take life seriously. However, as soon as they manage to stand out in society, they will take advantage of every opportunity and attract attention with their self-confidence and sense of humour.
Once Leos have gathered an audience to tell their jokes, they won't stop doing it until every person laughs. However, natives of the sign would rather laugh at someone else than at themselves.