The flight attendant revealed how passengers complicate the crew's life during boarding

Flight attendant Destani Armstrong from Philadelphia shared her painful experience with her subscribers. She told us what makes the crew most nervous about working in the cabin and how passengers make their lives difficult.
As it turned out, the most problematic stage in a flight attendant's work is boarding the plane. At this time, as Destani Armstrong said on TikTok, flight attendants are divided: some stay at the entrance, while others help travelers in the cabin.
During this time, the author of the viral video tries to stay close to the entrance. According to her, passengers can be very rude and problematic.
Some of them make scenes, demanding a better seat, while others take other people's seats and get nervous when asked to move.
Some travelers expect flight attendants to pick up and carry their luggage, even though they are not obligated to do so. Destani said that onboard, passengers still sometimes ignore the crew's requests and instructions, which also makes their lives difficult.
Another negative aspect of flight attendants' work is loneliness. Spending days and weeks away from home, crew members rarely see their families and friends for relatively little money.
Salary is also a sore point for Destani. She claims that despite working every day for a month, she has only earned about $3,000 (£2,361), and in general, she usually receives between $2300 (£1810) and $2500 (£1968).