Spectacular and dangerous: recommendations for night hikes

Night hikes are designed to see amazing views with a wide panorama of the starry sky. Such walks require special attention and preliminary preparation to ensure safety for explorers.
So, if you do not have the appropriate experience and do not feel confident at night, it is better to give up this initiative or entrust your escort to an experienced person. However, if you are still determined to make such an outing, the Chiang Rai Times recommends using the following tips for night hiking.
Plan your route. To do this, you need to study the terrain, examine the map, as well as the features and changes in weather conditions.
Equipment. When going on night raids, you need to have a flashlight, appropriate clothing and shoes that will allow you to move comfortably in the area. You should also take a supply of water, food and medicines.
Share your plans. Tell your family and friends where and when you plan to go hiking. Also, share your route with them in case of an unforeseen situation.
Take your time. You shouldn't be in a hurry while hiking. Watch out for anything that falls under your feet and take small steps to avoid possible danger.
Stick to the trail. Move only on a clearly defined path and do not try to cut your route. Also, pay attention to the signs so that you don't get off track.

Be alert and listen to your feelings. Listen to the sounds around you in an unknown area. These can be any objects around you or the sound of water flowing.
Wildlife. At night, the behavior of animals can be significantly different, and therefore it is better to avoid them. In addition, to warn them of your presence, you should make noise, and for safety, carry sprays and equipment for protection.
Get your bearings. Use a GPS, compass, or other navigation tools to get a feel for the terrain and track your progress. Also, carry a compass and a physical map of the area.
Don't go hiking alone. It's safer to go on these trips in groups, but if you're walking alone, be extra vigilant and watch your step.
Stay calm. If you find yourself in an emergency, the best thing you can do is stay calm. At this time, you can use your emergency tools, such as a whistle or flares.
Use the moon. Depending on the phase, the moon can provide more light, thus making the hike more comfortable and safer. In addition, the moon can serve as a guide if its position coincides with your trail.
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