Passing through airport security: two mistakes most commonly made by passengers

For many passengers, going through security is a nerve-wracking experience. You worry about a lot of things at the airport, so when the time for security screening approaches, you may forget whether you really took everything you need out of your suitcase for a separate scan.
And then it turns out that you forgot a bottle of water hidden at the bottom of your bag, and before you know it, you're in line to be checked by an airport employee," writes Huffpost. Therefore, it is important to prepare for this process in advance before the flight.
Now, one of the UK's busiest airports, with 13 million passengers passing through each year, has named the two biggest mistakes you make when going through security to make it more efficient for all of us.
London Luton Airport said that there are two things we hate to leave in our bags and suitcases: lighters and food.
According to Northants Live, food can cause delays at security because it obscures the image on the X-ray machines. As a result, bags have to be checked manually, so to save time at security, put food in your carry-on bag.
Although Luton Airport warns against taking food in your carry-on bag, things like fruit, cakes, sandwiches, etc. are fine to bring. Why? They are hard. But if you want to take liquid foods (jam, honey, syrups and sauces) in your carry-on bag, they must be in a 100-milliliter container and fit in a liquids bag. The same applies to canned foods in brine - they contain too much liquid.
One of the biggest causes of delays at security at Luton Airport is lighters in your carry-on bag. You can take one lighter with you, but if you have more than one in your bag, you will be asked to hand them over to security. The lighter should be in the bag for liquids (the same applies to vapes).