London International (CIV): a station whose existence is unknown even to locals
London International is a railway station that facilitates international travel through London. Travelers can access this station when traveling by train from other UK stations to St. Pancras to catch an international Eurostar train.
Why should tourists consider purchasing these tickets, and what are their advantages? Londonist has provided insights.
Advantages of London International (CIV)
If a British train to London is delayed, risking missing the Eurostar train, the carrier can transfer passengers to the next available flight with available seats.
Moreover, if a traveler arrives in London at a station other than St. Pancras or King's Cross, the cost of traveling by underground from that station to St. Pancras is covered in the London International (CIV) ticket.
What is a CIV, and how to buy a ticket to London International station
Convention Internationale pour le transport des Voyageurs, or simply CIV, is a ticket code that regulates rules for handling delays and issues when traveling across borders in Europe.
Tickets for London International cannot be purchased online, as travelers must have a Eurostar ticket to prove their intention to enter the continent. They can be bought at most stations in the UK. You can check ticket availability at your station on the BR Fares website.