How to fight fatigue and swollen legs during vacation: an effective way

For many of us, one of the joys of vacation is taking long, leisurely walks: sightseeing, engaging in tourist activities, and stopping by a souvenir shop or two.
However, by the second or third day, many of us experience discomfort from our shoes rubbing against our feet, fatigue, or even worse, swelling. Samantha Brown, a travel expert and host of the Places To Go travel show, recently shared a trick to avoid such a negative experience, as reported by the Huffington Post.

A woman mentioned that regardless of how good your shoes are, your feet can become tired and sweaty over time, and to combat this, she relies on regular flip-flops.
Another trick is to sprinkle a little talcum powder inside your shoes, which absorbs moisture and odor, making your feet even more comfortable.
The final step is to put on fresh socks. After applying a bit of powder, wear fresh socks when you're ready to put your shoes back on, and you'll feel absolutely comfortable, she advises.