A flight attendant gave advice on how to please the crew during a flight and shared which passengers she finds unbearable

Lacey Hooser, a flight attendant from the United States, advised tourists on how they can make her colleagues happy and reminded them of the behaviors that annoy them. The way passengers treat crew members can affec1t not only the mood of flight attendants but also the atmosphere in the cabin throughout the flight, as one problematic traveler can ruin the mood of others.
Ms. Hooser told the Daily Star that the crew appreciates small gifts from passengers, as they do not accept tips. While tourists often offer flight attendants money for good service, they usually decline.
However, there are items that airline employees are allowed to accept from appreciative passengers. These can include souvenirs, treats, personal care products, or gift cards.
"Bring your flight attendants some goodies. They will treat you like royalty on your flight. It's such an underappreciated job, so when people take the time to appreciate us - and it can be as small as a little lipstick for each flight attendant or a big Starbucks gift card - we recognize and appreciate the gesture," said Lacey Hooser.

She added that after such a thoughtful gesture, tourists will be treated "like royalty." Sometimes, however, it's enough to simply avoid annoying the flight attendants.
"Annoying passengers are those who have no idea about traveling. I understand that if you're not used to flying, you don't know all the details, but simple things like not getting up when the plane takes off or not taking off your shoes and socks and walking around the plane. Sometimes it seems to me that people lose their common sense in the air," emphasized the flight attendant.