Named 7 things that flight attendants personally avoid during the holiday season

No matter how frequently you fly, it's safe to say that everyone desires a smooth and hassle-free experience.
However, traveling during normal times versus the holidays presents a significantly different experience. To avoid turning your vacation into a nightmare, it's advisable to heed the advice from flight attendants, as reported by HuffPost.

Connecting flights
In many cases, airlines don't offer direct flights to your destination, so you'll likely need to take a connecting flight. If this is the case, ensure you have ample time to make your connection.
"Always give yourself extra time to connect, as your incoming flight could potentially be delayed due to weather, especially in winter," advised McKenna Ford Henrichs, a flight attendant for a major US airline.
Being rude to staff
Remember, flight attendants are accompanying you during your trip, not spending time with their loved ones. With this in mind, Henrichs stressed the importance of treating flight staff with kindness—even if you're feeling disappointed.
Avoid flying the day before the event
Flight attendant Valerie Fraser said she never flies the day before she needs to be somewhere, particularly during the holidays.
"Travel schedules are never guaranteed, and winter weather can sometimes disrupt plans, so I always make sure to have at least a one- or two-day buffer," Fraser explained.
Don't put valuables or documents in your checked luggage
Although your checked baggage typically arrives at your destination without issues, there's always a chance it could get lost or delayed during transit. Ensure important items are kept in your carry-on bag or with you (this also applies to gifts!).
Avoid wrapping gifts
"In case TSA needs to conduct additional checks during security screening, they may need to unwrap any gifts or items in your bag for inspection," flight attendants noted.
Therefore, they advise against wrapping gifts before your flight.
Layer clothing
There's a possibility it may be chilly on board. "Every aircraft's heating and cooling system varies, and some planes may be warm while others are cold," Heinrichs remarked. "I always wear a T-shirt under my sweater and bring a jacket."
Don't arrive at the airport just before your flight
Given that many people travel during the holidays, airports are typically busier than usual. Knowing this, plan accordingly for traffic and TSA lines.